Privacy Policy
Please read this disclaimer carefully. By making use of this site, you indicate your acceptance of the terms stated below. If you do not accept these terms, then do not use this site.
This internet site (the "Site") and the materials that it contains have been prepared by Preti Strategies (the "Firm") for informational purposes only.
Because our Site permits individuals to submit email, we have developed this Privacy Statement to inform Site visitors of our policies and practices regarding such information.
At some places on the Site, the use of a "cookie" may be offered. Most browsers now recognize when a "cookie" is offered, and the setting on a user’s browser permit the user to opt out of receiving it. If you are not sure whether your browser has this capability, you should check with the software manufacturer or your internet service provider. "Cookies" are used on the Firm Site to facilitate use of an area of the Site. We do not use "cookies" to collect and distribute information to third parties for marketing purposes.
When you complete the Contact Us form on the Site, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name and email address. Opportunities to send email or to provide information through the Contact Us form on the Site are provided solely to let individuals send comments and communications to use and to request information from us.
While we may receive, collect and store any information you enter on our website, your personal information will be used only for the specific reasons stated here.
Messages are forwarded through the Site to the appropriate persons within the Firm so that they may respond to the questions or comments or provide the information requested, if they elect to do so, which is at their discretion. In the event that the Firm is requested to contact a visitor to this Site, contact information may also be used for purposes of making that communication. Any electronic communication between you and the Firm will not be privileged or confidential; may be disclosed to other persons; and may not be secure. Therefore, you should not send any email to the Firm that contains confidential or sensitive information. Further, all information submitted is the exclusive property of the Firm. The Firm is entitled to use any information submitted for any purpose, without restriction (except as stated in the Privacy Statement) or compensation to the person sending the submission. The user acknowledges the originality of any submission communicated to the Firm and accepts responsibility for its accuracy, appropriateness, and legality.
If you have completed the Contact Us form and no longer wish the Firm to have access to your name, email address and any other information submitted in the form, please contact us at or send us mail to: 60 State Street, Suite 1100 Boston, MA 02109.